Sacred Economics – Charles Eisenstein
In his latest book, Charles Eisenstein traces the history of money from ancient gift economies to modern capitalism, revealing how the money system has contributed to alienation, competition, and scarcity, destroyed community, and necessitated endless growth. Today, these trends have reached their extreme – but in the wake of their collapse, we may find great...

The Venus Project – Imagine a world without money
This short excerpt from the movie ‘Zeitgeist: Addendum’ by Peter Joseph, questions the current monetary system as it addresses the areas of: Work, Incentive, Civilization. It introduces the resource based economy, a system that works for the common good of everyone. Visionary and self-taught architect, Jacques Fresco’s Venus Project offers a comprehensive plan for social...

Smile Cards – a shift from “Me” to “We”
Nipun Mehta created “Smile Cards” in 2003 as a fun way to prove the interconnections of life. What started out as ‘positive pranks’, receiving a Smile Card would mean that you have been tagged with a random act of kindness, totally unconditional and from an anonymous stranger. Based on ‘pay it forward’, by receiving kindness...

Transition Town in Fujino, Japan
Transition Japan: Interview with Hide Enomoto, Transition Town Fujino

Transition Network – bringing a new world to life
The Transition concept emerged from work that permaculture designer Rob Hopkins had done with the students of Kinsale Further Education College, UK in writing an “Energy Descent Action Plan”. This looked at across-the-board creative adaptations in the realms of energy production, health, education, economy and agriculture as a “road map” to a sustainable future for...

Be Free.
How can we be free? Why do we make it so difficult for ourselves to be simply free? We buy into the collective notion that we all have to have our share of suffering, otherwise it’s not fair. We believe we have to ‘earn’ our way to success and freedom. That concept of ‘earning’ is...

Fureai Kippu – Compassion is the new currency
Fureai Kippu has been operating successfully in Japan since 1995. It’s an all-electronic complementary currency which originally began as a system for providing health care for the elderly. The system of Fureai Kippu, or “caring relationship tickets,” allows individuals to earn credits by caring for a local elderly person or anyone in need of care...