Gratis Basis Founder, Takashi Fuchigami, talks about his personal experiences that shifted his view on life and how he started to live authentically. He also talks about a global shift that is taking place from outdated structures to a brand new paradigm that is based on completely different principles.
Willow says:
Jun 21, 2013
I have been asking myself this question for years and I still don’t have the answer for it. Yes, I want to live authentically, but how? I am still searching…
I do believe that we are heading the right way and that we will reach a positive conclusion to this situation. I am just hoping that it won’t be too long a wait more as too many people are suffering from this world of lack. Bless you my friend for your life, your model and for this website which I hope will open more doors to those of good will. How do you get by every day without money and a family to look after?
Blessings to you and your family.
Susan Nancy Wight says:
Jun 22, 2013
I experience that change comes from within. Two quotes that lend to this understanding:
“If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself. Truly our greatest gift to the world is that of our own self-transformation.”
- Lao Tzu
“What we are, the world is. Without our own transformation, there can be no transformation of the world.”
~ Sri J Krishnamurti
I have found that change within naturally creates change without –meaning change in one’s outer environment.
How do we change within?
There are many teachers helping us to directly answer this question right now. My teacher is Adyashanti. You may have another teacher. But the bottom line I have found to changing within is to stop and be still. By being still, I have found that stillness allows the mental talking to calm down, and allows true clarity to be realized. Some call this stillness Pure Awareness. When decisions and action steps are made from this place of clarity, unity and pure potential, then change can be realized and experienced.
Another favorite quote: “There are no fixed rules in fluidity.” Change is fluid happening every second and realized by being still to align with what is real. For me, the art of stillness enabling one to act from clarity is a vital and natural practice, and especially important at this critical time in history.
Many blessings,
A Conversation with Gratis Basis founder, Takas... says:
Jun 25, 2013
[...] Check out inspirational videos like this one of Pathfinders by following my new online magazine and if you enjoy then please share the link with your social networks. [...]
Devin Robinson says:
Jun 25, 2013
I love what you have to say, and, thank you for saying it. And thank you for creating this website. I have a question. If you were worried about “making ends meat,” how did you manage to travel around the globe for seven months?
Rosalie Steward says:
Jul 25, 2013
Hello Takashi, I was very glad to find your site, and to hear your stories. Back in the early 80′s I left a city life and ‘went back to the land’, wanting to find out how to support myself and my family through my own efforts. I learnt to grow my own food, keep chickens and goats, make clothing, build my own place. I learnt that while I needed money to purchase some goods, nothing could be done with them without focused effort. When I heard your talk about ‘everything would be provided to you free’ I wondered who was doing the garden
All the best in your efforts.
Sandra says:
Jul 29, 2013
Yes. Fear is at the source of the walls that keep us from living an authentic life. Thank you for making these efforts to create change.